12. July 2024
Linda Fritzler

Voice over IP (VoIP): Significance and Potential at a Glance

Voice over IP (VoIP) has established itself as a ground-breaking technology that has fundamentally changed the way we communicate. By using the internet to transmit voice information, VoIP offers a flexible, cost-effective and expandable alternative to traditional telephone networks.

In this blog post, we will look at the key aspects of VoIP, from the technological foundations and how it works, to the benefits and challenges that this modern communications solution brings. Discover how VoIP has the potential to revolutionize both personal and business communications.

What is Voice over IP?

VoIP is changing voice communication over the internet in a positive way. It does not use traditional telephone networks such as PSTN or ISDN, which run over copper wires. Instead, the infrastructure of Internet-based networks is used.

The Internet Protocol (IP) has established itself as the standard, as it now also transmits voice information. It was initially only developed for the exchange of data packets in computer networks. It does not matter which end device is used for communication as long as there is an internet connection. This allows more flexibility.

VoIP works as follows: necessary information (voice and control information) is transmitted via a network that is also used for data transmission.

Technological basics and how it works

The transmission of voice over the Internet is made possible by converting audio signals into digital data. These are then sent as packets through the network.

  1. Step: Recording and digitization of audio signals (using codecs)
  2. Step: Packaging of the digital audio data into data packets and transmission via Ethernet/WLAN
  3. Step: Receiving the data packets from other users and converting them into audio signals

Codecs can be either hardware or software-based and compress large amounts of data in order to optimize bandwidth usage, but this can have an impact on voice quality. In addition, DSL routers or VoIP-enabled cable modems are used to connect phones to broadband connections. This bypasses the traditional telephone networks. VoIP servers, broadband Internet access, a VoIP provider or gateway and VoIP devices are also required for use.

VoIP has many functions, e.g. audio and video calls, voicemail, instant messaging, emails or SMS. VoIP also offers extended functions such as call recording, individual caller ID and voicemail-to-email. Consumers and companies therefore benefit from improved communication and additional functions.

Advantages and disadvantages for companies

VoIP brings with it a number of advantages, but also disadvantages that affect both businesses and private individuals.


  • Easy installation and management
  • Use of existing network infrastructure (no cabling or maintenance required)
  • Flexibility and scalability (for calls; home office; setting up new locations)
  • Easier cost control and analysis
  • Improved audio quality
  • Location-independent telephony


  • Limited integration with emergency services
  • High demands on the internet connection
  • Limitations during power outages
  • Interference with other devices

Tips for choosing the right VoIP devices

Two main types of VoIP-enabled devices:

  1. Hardware-based VoIP phones: similar to traditional (non) wired phones; features such as speaker, microphone, caller ID display, voicemail, conference calling and call forwarding
  2. Software-based IP telephones (softphones): programs installed on computers or mobile devices (software clients); user interface like a conventional telephone; functions: Touchpad, caller ID display; examples: Microsoft Teams, Zoom or 3CX

You should consider the following aspects when selecting VoIP devices:

  • Security of your data: Provider complies with European data protection standards
  • Reliability and reliability: provider has a failure rate of less than 1%
  • Deliberate range of functions: Provider offers numerous functions

When choosing VoIP devices, there are many reputable brands and reliable devices that are known for their quality and functionality. We offer a variety of VoIP devices including switches, firewalls and routers.







The importance of VoIP for businesses

VoIP has revolutionized the way businesses communicate. With the ability to reduce costs, increase flexibility and provide a variety of advanced features, VoIP is a powerful solution for the telecommunication needs of businesses.

It enables more efficient use of existing infrastructure and provides a future-proof communications platform. Find out more about how you can expand your infrastructure in our blog post “Build IT infrastructure and benefit from improved processes”.

For companies, the introduction of VoIP means improved internal and external communication, increased productivity and ultimately better adaptation to the demands of the modern market. We support you in making optimum use of your existing hardware for IP telephony. Simply contact us via our contact form.

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