27. December 2023
Linda Fritzler

Cisco vs. Aruba: A comparison of market-leading IT hardware

When looking for network solutions in a professional context, sooner or later you will come across Cisco and Aruba. Both manufacturers are market leaders in the field and shake hands when it comes to high-quality hardware for IT infrastructures in companies.

In particular, switches from both brands are almost equivalent and pose the question for decision-makers: Cisco or Aruba - which hardware is better?

Would you like the short answer? Jump directly to the conclusion.

Brand comparison at a glance

First of all: The question of Cisco vs. Aruba is comparable to that of Microsoft vs. Apple or BMW vs. Mercedes. Both brands are used successfully in companies around the world. Which one is the right one depends on individual factors and personal preferences. Whichever manufacturer you choose, you can be sure that you are using high-quality and renowned IT hardware.

A first look at the company hard facts

Both Cisco and Aruba are Californian companies that have tailored their product range to the specific requirements of companies and institutions.

Cisco has been around since 1984 and since then the brand has developed into one of the most important providers of telecommunications equipment, network products and corresponding software. The company is best known for its switches and routers - worldwide. The target market includes small to large companies, industrial groups and public sector institutions.

Aruba Networks (HPE) was founded in 2002 and has been a subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) since 2015. The company is a leader in the areas of WLAN 6, switching, SD-Branch and network solutions for data centers. Here, too, the target groups are small, medium-sized and large companies in various industries.

Product range diversity in the area of enterprise hardware

Despite a similar target market, the product ranges of the two brands differ slightly. This alone can be a reason to choose one or the other provider.

Aruba specializes in wireless network solutions. Accordingly, the product range is smaller. Here you will find, for example:

Cisco has a somewhat broader base and offers you a comprehensive selection of network and security solutions. These also include switches and transceivers.

But also:

Cisco vs. Aruba: Switches

At this point, we will insert a direct comparison that explicitly highlights the switches product group. There is a particularly high demand here and, above all, decision-making difficulties.

Whether Cisco or Aruba is the right choice here also depends on your needs:

Features Aruba HPE Cisco
Support Good customer service and support offers Good support infrastructure + large community
Operation User-friendly design + simplified operation More complex control + individuality easy to implement
Scaling Powerful scalability Industry leader in scalability
Compatibility Good compatibility with own models and other brands Possible problems between different models and brands
Product selection Products for almost every basic need Wide variety of products beyond basic requirements
Costs Cheaper than Cisco (in implementation and acquisition) More expensive than Aruba (in implementation and purchase)

Artificial intelligence as a technology of the future

The two companies are also neck-and-neck when it comes to the forward-looking topic of artificial intelligence (AI). Both Cisco and Aruba are using the technology to improve networks and are constantly developing further.

The focus here is on:

  • Increased security, e.g. through incident detection
  • automation processes
  • improved network efficiency

Cisco vs. Aruba in the area of sustainability

Both Cisco and Aruba act in the spirit of sustainability and present themselves accordingly. The focus is on reducing CO2, energy-saving measures and optimized network solutions.

On the respective websites, you can see in detail what implementation looks like within the companies. Even our condensed summary shows that the companies are relatively on a par:

relativ gleichauf sind:

Cisco and sustainability

Among other things, Cisco supports you in analyzing your network and implementing appropriate energy-saving solutions. The company also relies on automation and continuous monitoring, such as real-time server monitoring.

The company has set itself the goal of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions in its own value chain to zero by 2040.

You can find out more on the Cisco sustainability page.

Aruba and the environment

As part of HPE, Aruba is regarded as a global leader in the field of sustainability - both within the company itself and in relation to end products. As part of this, the brand offers science-based solutions and advice to help reduce CO2 emissions. You can also return old appliances here. The company aims to recycle around 85% of the materials returned.

You can find out more on the official Aruba sustainability page.

Price differences between Cisco and Aruba

In the network industry, Cisco is generally regarded as a provider of premium products with a higher price level. This is due to Cisco's broad range of sophisticated network devices, security solutions and advanced technologies.

Aruba, known for its specialization in wireless network solutions and access points, is positioned somewhat lower in terms of price. This makes the brand particularly attractive for medium-sized companies or organizations with specific wireless network infrastructure needs.

However, you should always bear in mind that the total cost of network solutions does not only depend on the purchase price. Factors such as implementation costs, maintenance, scalability and additional functions and services also play a role in the costs.

As such, the price differences between Cisco and Aruba will vary depending on your company's individual requirements and long-term IT strategy.

Conclusion: market leader in a neck-and-neck race

Cisco and Aruba are on a par when it comes to forward-looking topics and the qualitative characteristics of both ranges are also very close. The decisive questions behind your choice are therefore primarily related to the respective functions and areas of application.

Cisco offers you a greater choice - not only in terms of different product groups, but also within them. The brand pays for its high, globally recognized status: Both acquisition and operating costs are higher than those of its competitors. Above all, switches from this brand can be scaled individually and very flexibly, provided the corresponding expertise is available.

Aruba offers a comparatively narrow range, but it has all the features required for resilient networks. The brand impresses with its ease of use and high performance. In the area of switches, it scores particularly well with its high level of compatibility.

Cisco and Aruba at IT-Planet: new and refurbished

In our range, we offer you a selection of products from both market-leading manufacturers. Our focus is on high-quality IT hardware for companies from start-ups to corporations, from the free market to public institutions.

You can obtain both Cisco and Aruba products from us either new or refurbished. You are protected by a warranty period of at least two years.

We have been supplying and advising our customers in the field of network technology, servers, storage and IT hardware in the B2B and B2G sector since 2018. You are welcome to use our practical contact form to get in touch with us and benefit from our expertise. We look forward to your inquiry.

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