28. July 2023
Linda Fritzler

Build IT infrastructure and benefit from improved processes

If you don't want to be left behind when it comes to digitalization, you shouldn't do without solid and well-connected network planning. This is crucial for improving internal processes, increasing security and ensuring smooth communication with (potential) customers. It is therefore best to start building a strategic IT infrastructure as soon as possible.

In this blog post, we explain the things you need to bear in mind and the basics you should know when setting up an IT architecture.

Brief definition: What is an IT infrastructure?

The IT infrastructure is the strategic composition of all resources that ensure smooth and secure data transmission. It includes hardware, software, data centers and their cabling as well as the management and maintenance of these - for example by IT personnel.

Especially in complex structures, such as in companies, it forms the foundation for smooth operation and a high level of security. How the IT infrastructure is set up is highly individual and depends on several factors. These include the type of network you use, the functions relevant to your industry, but also the financial resources available to you.

How does my company benefit from this?

It always makes sense for individual components of a network to be coordinated - even in a private environment. In a business environment, however, it is crucial for your success. Even more important: a strategically designed IT infrastructure is the basis for secure data transmission and is therefore indispensable in companies and public institutions.

A mature IT architecture brings these advantages with it:

  1. Fault-free processes ensure higher productivity and more efficient work processes.
  2. Collaboration is improved by facilitating internal and external communication.
  3. A clear IT infrastructure is flexible. It leaves room for scaling in line with company growth and future technical developments.
  4. Improved business processes (e.g. through automation) that go hand in hand with a strategy can save you time and money in the best case scenario.
  5. A reliable IT infrastructure also includes security measures that offer protection against external threats and unauthorized access.
  6. Ensure that applicable data protection regulations are implemented and improve your data security.
  7. A well-designed system enables you to provide improved customer service.

How can I set up an IT infrastructure?

Precisely because the corresponding IT architecture is individual and depends on many circumstances, there is no general guide. If you are looking for a checklist that you can follow 1:1 to set up your IT infrastructure, we will have to disappoint you.

However, we can give you a helpful guide in one possible direction. The rest of the text can help you to define specific goals.

This is also helpful if you do not want to take over your IT organization yourself, but want to bring specialists on board. Knowing what goals you are aiming for will help you to communicate clearly how your IT infrastructure should be set up.

The basics of a good IT infrastructure

Although the type of setup is always individual, there are objectives that are worthwhile for every industry and every network.

Your IT infrastructure should …

… be designed as a long-term solution. This is the only way to ensure that it does not have to be permanently adapted.

… fulfill all security aspects. IT security for companies and official bodies is unavoidable. But you should also take this principle to heart in your private environment in order to protect your data.

… be flexibly expandable. Keep this in mind when setting up your IT infrastructure. As your company grows, it simply grows with it - and saves you having to reorganize the entire architecture.

… be sustainable. As a forward-looking institution, responsible ecological action is not an option. What your strategy looks like again depends on individual factors. However, one option is to use professionally remanufactured IT hardware.

Individual requirements as the basis for promising implementation

If you are setting up an IT infrastructure, the first step should be to think about what you expect from it. Think about what makes your company special and which requirements are essential.

Questions such as:

  • How many employees would you like to network?
  • How large is the network?
  • What industry-specific requirements must be met?
  • Is there internal data traffic only at home or also abroad?
  • Which special software solutions do you use?
  • What budget do you have available?
  • Who will set up the IT infrastructure? Internal or external personnel?
  • Do you also have specialists in-house for fail-safe maintenance and servicing?

Inventory and analysis of the existing structure

In the next step, you should take a close look at the existing components of your hardware and software. On the one hand, this serves to take stock so that you know which components you need to purchase to expand.

On the other hand, you analyze which parts of your IT environment are already working well - and which are not. This helps you to narrow down the need for action and define where there is a particular need for action when setting up your IT infrastructure.

It is important that all components ultimately work together smoothly. It is therefore best to focus on the parts that work and start planning from there.

Cloud, local or both? - Choice when setting up an IT infrastructure

Opinions differ as to which type of IT infrastructure is the best decision. A basic distinction is made between an on-premises solution (local server or data center) and a cloud solution (installation on an online cloud server).

There is an obvious trend towards the cloud - but this is by no means the best choice for every IT environment. Security aspects in particular are causing companies to have doubts at this point.

Ultimately, however, it's all a question of weighing up the pros and cons of both IT infrastructures. The decisive factor is therefore which features you consider to be particularly important.

Hybrid solutions that combine the best features of cloud and on-premises to create a fully-fledged IT infrastructure are also possible.

Below we give you an overview of the features of both models. However, this is very abbreviated, as the advantages and disadvantages are manifold. Before deciding how you want to set up your IT infrastructure, you should therefore always speak to an IT specialist.

Cloud and on-premise solutions at a glance

On-Premise Cloud
  • uses physical servers and network devices on site
  • Server resources are provided online
    by a cloud service provider
  • High level of control and safety
  • must be monitored
  • Dependent on cloud providers
  • Slightly lower security
  • Compatible or easily adaptable to compliance requirements
  • Not always compatible with all
    compliance requirements
Data protection
  • Company retains full control over data and its security
  • Data is stored on the provider's servers
  • Higher expenditure
  • Company is responsible
  • Less effort
  • Responsibility lies with the provider
  • possible with some time expenditure
  • goes hand in hand with hardware expansion
  • Very light and flexible
  • Fast provision of cloud resources
    without major effort
  • higher acquisition costs
  • Possibly defective hardware
  • Costs vary depending on the IT infrastructure set up
  • Provisioning costs manageable
  • Monthly subscription costs
  • Strong differences depending on the
    provider - often cheaper than on-premises

What components do you need for a successful IT infrastructure?

Depending on whether you opt for a cloud, on-premise or hybrid solution, the composition of the necessary components will vary. In addition, there are the individual goals and requirements of your industry mentioned above.

You need these components to set up an efficient IT structure:




In addition, you should not do without specialist personnel - even after the IT infrastructure has been set up! This is because it requires constant care, maintenance and monitoring in order to function smoothly in the long term and, above all, to offer the best possible security.

Set up IT infrastructure and work efficiently and securely

We hope that this article has given you the necessary insight into the basics of an IT infrastructure. Despite all the complexity, you now have the opportunity to think in detail about which factors are particularly important to you.

This way, you will be well prepared when you speak to a specialist who is to set up your IT infrastructure.

Although we cannot help you with this, we are happy to provide you with the necessary components. Best of all, our hardware is available either new or refurbished. The latter servers, routers, transceivers and all other parts are refurbished so that you can benefit from them for many years to come … at a lower purchase price and with a 2-year guarantee.

Are you just starting to get to grips with IT issues? Then continue reading our blog. Here we cover the basics of network technology as well as more in-depth information technology topics.

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