19. April 2024
Linda Fritzler

Secure password practice: tips for creating and managing robust passwords

In today's digital world, the IT security of online accounts and personal data is becoming increasingly important. Find out more about IT security in our article “IT security in companies: Importance and solutions”. However, the growing number of passwords poses a challenge: How can we create secure, yet easy-to-remember passwords?

This article is dedicated to precisely this topic. We will discuss how secure passwords can be established in companies and at the same time protected against external threats. You will learn ways to secure your digital identity and protect yourself from cyber attacks.

Why are secure passwords important?

Managing a large number of passwords can be problematic: it is becoming increasingly difficult to remember them all. As a result, users often tend to use simple passwords that match their username or consist of easy-to-guess sequences such as “123456”. These simple passwords are particularly vulnerable to unauthorized access.

But what makes a secure password?

At a time when internet accounts and private information are increasingly being targeted by cyber attacks, password security is becoming more and more important - both for companies and private individuals. A robust password not only protects your data, but also your identity. Should a hacker gain access to your accounts, the consequences can be severe. For this reason, it is essential to choose strong passwords and store them securely. But how do you keep track of them and ensure effective protection for your data?

Tips for creating secure passwords

  • Variety and length of the password: Combine upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters and choose a minimum length of 12 characters for maximum security against hackers.
  • Avoid personal data in passwords: Avoid data such as names, dates of birth or surnames in passwords, as these are easy to guess and could be used by hackers to access your accounts.
  • Security through passphrases: Use phrases or longer word combinations that are difficult to guess and make your passwords more secure. Passphrases are more secure than traditional passwords because they are longer and less predictable. Choose the first letters of the passphrase for a unique and hard-to-crack password. It is important that you create your passphrase yourself and do not take it from the Internet.

Strategies for managing robust passwords

Properly managing your passwords is essential for all internet users. Effective password management increases the security of your online accounts and keeps you in control of your digital identity.

Tips for better password management:

  • Use a password manager: This software creates unique passwords for each account, stores them securely and fills them in automatically.
  • Choose a trusted password manager that meets security standards and stores passwords in encrypted form.
  • Set a strong master password that does not contain common words or personal details.
  • Avoid reusing passwords to increase security.
  • Change the password in case of a problem to minimize the risk.
  • Enable two-factor authentication to increase the security of your accounts.
  • Check your accounts regularly for suspicious activity and change your passwords immediately if necessary.

How hackers get your access data

Many Internet users hope to avoid negative consequences. But what if an access route is created, for example by stealing a password? This could grant access to other important accounts and unauthorized persons could carry out fraudulent activities under your name. The risk of unauthorized persons gaining access to your passwords has various causes:

  • Large companies are often victims of data leaks in which millions of usernames and passwords are stolen. These could be distributed on the darknet and found by other users.
  • Insecure passwords remain a major cause of security breaches. Hackers can easily crack them with special software.
  • Phishing is another method that hackers can use to obtain your login details.

The importance of password security in your company

In today's digital world, where data leaks and cyberattacks are ubiquitous, the importance of secure passwords for businesses cannot be underestimated. Find out more about different types of cyberattacks and how you can protect your company in our blog post “Company-wide cyber security: protection against digital threats”.

Strong passwords are not only a shield for sensitive information, but also a line of defense for the digital identity of a company and its employees. By implementing password policies and using password managers, companies can take effective measures to strengthen their IT security and protect themselves from potential attacks.

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