CIA Triad - Definition

The CIA triad is a fundamental concept in information technology that stands for the three most important IT protection goals: confidentiality, integrity and availability.

In the case of confidentiality, the security of stored data and information during data transmission is particularly important. Data should only be viewed by authorized users and treated confidentially.

Integrity stands for data integrity and system integrity. The data is always available to a certain number of authorized persons, which means that it can also be changed. These changes should be traceable for each person, which is made possible by version management.

Availability makes it clear that information technology systems and the data they contain should always be available. The disappearance of data should be avoided. Constant access to data and the functionality of programs should also be maintained.

The CIA triad is the basis for security concepts and strategies in the IT world to protect IT systems from threats. Implementing these principles ensures the stability of IT infrastructures.

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